Bladensburg High School Class of 1959 Mustangs

In Memoriam
Bladensburg High School
Class of 1959

Bladensburg High School Class of 1959, Maryland MD

As time has passed, so have some of our classmates. They will be missed and will continue to be with us always. If you would like to share your memories or pay a tribute to a deceased member of our class or if you know of a class member who has passed away and is not shown here then please let us know. They all have a story to tell and only we can tell it. So let's honor their memories with a brief bio, a fond memory or a humorous event, by clicking on the link below.
Click HERE to submit your memories/tribute.

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Mickey Anderson
Alonzo Beall
John Beaton
Donna Casey
George Carlson
Dallas Carter
Kathleen Conway
Robert Cord
Patricia Crim
Joan Culver
Bucky Curtin
Vincent Daly
Phillip Danna
Judith Deeney
James Dodson
James Di Giulian
Clare Fetrow
Peggy Geib
Persis Granofsky
Tony Guido
Vernice Heckathorn
Frank Heintze
Jack Henderson
Barbara Herbert
Ray Hinegardner
Victor Hodges
Judith Rice
Roger Hughes
from '57 yearbook
Vernon F. James
Ed Jordan
"Burt" Keller
Mary Ann Keppler
Nancy Koch
Tom Littlefield
Nancy Lettman
Dorene Levy
Ernst Livingston
Nancy Lusby
Harry McCain
James McCarter
Joe Maddox
Rick Maloof
Larry Marnell
Charmaine McHenry
Bobbi Might
Judith Millard
George Morgan
James Nagel
Marie O'Brien
Stanley Phelps
William Parker
Joseph Parrish
Thomas Parrish
Peggy Pryor
David Radcliffe
Lorraine Rogers
Frannie Santangelo
Valerie Schilling
Jack Shriver
Sylvia Simms
Helen Hopkins
Carol Sladki
Warren Smith
Calvin Spargo
David A. Spear
Bill Spicer
Richard Spicer
Diana Stevens
Barry Sussman
Mary Louise Swain
Mary Anne Tanner
from '58 yearbook
Robert Taylor
Charlie Thomas
Arthur Tippett
William Vermillion
Harry Wachter
Joan Wells
Jane "Lindy" Wildman
Erik Wowra
Dolores "Dee" Yow
Larry Caruana
Susanna Cristofane
Neil Hoyle
Carol Skuchko
Cecil Doppelheuer
Pat Ganley
Mary Guerra
Sharon Offutt
Pat McCarthy
John Mumaw
Betty Zichterman
Warren Ferguson
Carolyn Gaines
Jack Lassise
Ralph Blades
Daniel Falk
Sarah Borchelt
Ron King
Harold Williamson
Jerry King
Gene Noll
Celia Harrison
Madaleine D'Andrea
Jane Lee Brooks
Joan Huff
Earl Laurie
David Beegle
Martha Stanford
Bernard Kanzler
Carolyn White
James Ball
Walter Fleming
Diane Keefer
Richard Guido
David Frye
Chris Haney
Donald Umberger
Thomas Staples
Mary Jane Roddy
Carl Mealo
John Gurney
John Wood
Stephen Allman
David Lanham
Richard Hayden
Joyce Lay
Joyce Mercer
Christopher Whelehan
Marjorie Flagg
Grace Owens
Jerome Slattery
Pat Hartman
Lennard Lodowski
Lyndon Vermillion
John Tupper
William Day
Daniel Desmond
Desmond Richelsen
Raymond Mealy
Brentley Youmans
Bertha Martin
Richard Tracy
John Harrison
Diane Brugh
Barbara Mark
Eugene Fletcher
Janet Luehrs
Clarence Perry
Ronald Gallegos
Alan Sorkin
Karl Riesterer
Suzanne Gaines
Nancy Tayman
Carole Pippert
Thomas Doolittle
Edward Shanholtzer
William Sharpe
Jeanette Rohme
James Spicer
Joyce Corbin
Ronald Kimble
Mary Barley
Frank Holmes
Charles Holzner
Donald Tull
Jill Echard
Joyce Sanford
George McDonald
James Hawke
Daniel Hanlon
John Findley
Gloria Dettmer
Donald Cox
John Comulada
Thomas Burns
Robert Burke
Marlyne Brown
Carson Bennett
Robert Angell
Richard Anderson
Warren Lilly
Patricia Jones
Linda Latimer
William Butcher
Barbara Goodman
Doug Moreland
Gloria Crouch
Dale David
Lynn Alexander
Geoffrey Smith
Ronald Mummert
Geraldine Dillman
Dolores Avery
Alice Donnelly

Nancy Koch dies when 2 planes collide near Annapolis

Arthut Tippett's Tragic Death

Youth's Crash Death After Prom Is Laid to Asphyxiation by Food

Carl Butkus, H.S. Coach, dies at 56

Vivian E. Grieashamer (school nurse) Obituary

John LaCombe Death Notice

The John LaCombe Story

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